Cyber League Crimes Book 1: The Popularity Contest: A Fast-Paced Mystery Novella Featuring a Female FBI Agent and an Assassin

Cyber League Crimes Book 1: The Popularity Contest: A Fast-Paced Mystery Novella Featuring a Female FBI Agent and an Assassin

Megan's sister has been kidnapped.
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Popularity never meant so much.

When the Club runs a contest to see which profession will triumph, they gather some involuntary contestants, including FBI Special Agent Megan Luchek's sister, Tara.

Gambling's always more fun when the stakes matter. Nothing could be higher than life or death.

To save her sister, Megan must stop the contest by any means necessary, even if that means infiltrating it the hard way: as a prisoner.

Release date: June 13, 2020

Print pages: 105

Content advisory: none

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Behind the book

Book 1 of Cyber League Crimes

Book 7 of Megan Luchek FBI stories

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