It Claimed Another Victim. Can Midlife Magic School Reverse the Curse?
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Faith's fifty.

…And "enrolled" in Magic School.

The curse claimed another victim.

…Will she learn in time?


She thought by the time she was fifty, she'd have it all figured out. Here she is forced to relearn magic in a crazy mixed-up, supernaturally gifted family while planting two new businesses. The last thing Faith needed on her plate was another investigation. Yet, she's smackdab in the middle of a murder.


Blake is a cop who knows who he is, what he does and doesn't want. Problem is, Faith falls in both those categories and challenges his ideas of himself and the way things are.


Can they find love and work together to catch a killer and reverse a curse?


CARNATIONS, CRIME, & CHI is the third book in the enchanting Paranormal Women's Fiction Cozy Flower Farm Magical Mystery Series set in the rural ghost town of Abracadabra. Dust off your senses and help save Abracadabra.


Get it now.

Release date: April 29, 2021

Print pages: 235

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